ABM workshop for social scientists in Brescia, Italy (3–7 Sep 2018)

Image credit: private

I participated in the BEHAVE 2018 Agent-based Modelling summer school for Social Scientists from 3–7 September 2018 in Brescia, Italy. This workshop has been offered by the team around Flaminio Squazzoni and Simone Gabbriellini (big shout-out to Nicolas Payette and Federico Bianchi) with guest lectures by the incredible Nigel Gilbert and André Grow.

Image credits: private

The workshop is incredibly useful, packed with hands-on coding work and theoretical material — and the BEST food you can imagine. Highly recommended if you are interested in learning more about ABM as a social scientist (and you should!).

Image credits: private

Joachim K. Rennstich
Joachim K. Rennstich
Professor International Social Work and Research Methods

My research interests include the long-term development of digital capitalism, digital literacy and innovative teaching-methodologies.